Minggu, 29 Juli 2012

The key to Business Success in Today Lebaran Pastries

The key to Business Success in Today Lebaran Pastries

We can not deny when present cake & bakery business is quite attractive to consumers. Various types of cakes and breads sold the business to bring in huge profits every month. Moreover, the holiday season approaching it is today, the demand for a wide assortment of pastries experienced a sharp spike so it is not surprising that most manufacturers of pastry turnover can be pocketed millions of dollars of business opportunities pastries.

Besides promising huge profits for the perpetrators, business pastries are pretty easy to learn, and do not require too much capital. It is this factor which makes the pastry business is often chosen as a seasonal business opportunity prospects are very promising, especially at special moments such as Eid.

Well, to help beginners who are interested to pursue business opportunities in the season, Eid cookies. Here are five we inform the key to success in business during Eid cookies that need to be to win the market competition.

First, note the product life cycle. As with other food products, various kinds of pastries also have a fairly limited shelf life. Therefore, it is very important for you to know the shelf life of each food that you marketed and choose airtight packaging products for the food quality is maintained. To further convince potential consumers, also include the expiration date on the product packaging cookies, it is important that consumers believe the quality of your cookies are marketed.

Second, conduct a market survey to determine customer interest. Each customer must have a taste of different foods, to anticipate this, it's good when you do a market survey to find out various kinds of pastries or biscuits are much favored by consumers. For example, such as various kinds of cookies this latter character popular with consumers, Nastar cake which is always booming in the Eid season, the snow's daughter, the cat's tongue, rainbow cookies, kastengel, as well as a wide assortment of other pastries, which are hunted a lot of customers entering the Eid season.

Third, support with an attractive product packaging. Sometimes consumers assess the quality of a product based on appearance (packaging products) are used. If the map looks interesting, they also will come in to buy your product. It could even be said, the display of product packaging to be one important factor to increase the selling price of your product. In marketing a variety of pastries, you can package it using the jar clear (transparent) and the enhanced use of lace, ribbon, beads or flowers as decoration.

Fourth, keep a sense of quality. In addition to the attractive appearance of its products, you also have to maintain a sense of quality to maintain consumer loyalty. Do little experiments to search for "composition" is most fitting. Therefore, the delicious taste of the major key to the success of the business of food. Furthermore, you also can create new menu innovations to attract customers. For example, such as creating innovation rainbow cookies, cookies, brownies, cheese Nastar, and so forth.

Fifth, offer economical package. Entering the Eid season, consumers need a supply of pastries in considerable amounts. Not surprisingly, they not only bought one jar, but a wide assortment of pastries to choose to entertain guests at a special moment Eid. Therefore, you can take advantage of these opportunities by offering service packages pastry parcel to prospective customers. Typically, a package containing two to four cookie jars are packed like a beautiful bride Seserahan package.

Hopefully these five tips that we have discussed business together, can provide benefits to the reader and helps the beginner to develop cookie business ahead of Eid season. Indonesia continues to advance and greetings successful SMEs.

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