Minggu, 29 Juli 2012


Articles Islamic history. Mataram kingdom was established in 1582. royal center is located in the southeast of the city of Yogyakarta, which is in the town. The king who had ruled in the kingdom of Mataram is penembahan senopati (1584 - 1601), Seda Panembahan Krapyak (1601-1677).

In Islamic history, the Sultanate of Mataram have an important role in the course of the Islamic kingdoms in the archipelago (Indonesia). This is evident from the spirit of the kings to expand the territory and Islamize the population of his territory, the involvement of religious leaders, to the cultural development of the character of Islam in Java.
At first the sultanate of Mataram controlled display as a consideration for the struggle in defeating Arya Penangsang. Sultan Hadiwijaya Mataram area presented to the Ki Ageng archery. Furthermore, by ki Ageng archery Mataram was built as a place of new settlements and paddy fields.

However, its presence in this area and construction businesses have different kinds of responses from local authorities. For example, Ki Ageng Leads from Kajoran dynasty openly opposed his presence. Similarly, ki and Ki Ageng Ageng tembayat Mangir. But there are still receiving their presence, such as ki Ageng Karanglo. However, the responses are diverse and welcoming establishment that does not change Ki Ageng archery to continue development of the area. he built a powerhouse in Plered and prepare a strategy to subdue the authorities who oppose their presence.

In 1575, Pemahanan died. He was succeeded by his son, Prince Ngabehi Danang Sutawijaya or Loring Market. In addition to his father determined to continue the dream, he aspired to break free from the power shelf. Thus, the relationship between the shelf Mataram worsened.

Strained relations between the Sultanate Pajang Sutawijaya and eventually lead to war. In this war, the empire lost shelf. After the tax authorities Hadiwijaya died (1587), Sutawijaya lift itself into the title of king of Mataram penembahan Alaga Senopati Ing. He began building his empire and seat of government to move senopati Kotagede. To expand the area of ​​his reign, penembahan senopati launch attacks into the surrounding area. For example, by conquering and Ki Ki Ageng Mangir Ageng Leads.
In 1590, penembahan senopati or commonly called the master senopati Madison, who was allied with surabaya. In 1591 he defeated jipang kediri and then proceeded with the conquest of Pasuruan and Tuban in the year 1598-1599.
Islam as a new king, Panembahan senopati carry conquest to conquest, to realize his idea that Mataram should be the center of Islamic culture and religion, to replace or continue the Sultanate of Demak. It is also mentioned in the Chronicle story that the ideals that come from the receipt of DI Lipura (village located in the southwest of Yogyakarta). DI comes after a dream and a meeting with the ruler senopati southern sea, Nyi Roro Kidul, when he meditated in the cave Parangtritis and in the South of Yogyakarta. From the meeting it was mentioned that one day he will reign over the whole land of Java.

System of governance adopted by the Kingdom of Mataram Islam is a system of god-king. This means that the absolute center of supreme power and the self adaa sulta. An emperor or king often described as having a sacred character, whose wisdom terpacar of water clarity upfront and unparalleled kewibawannya. The king appeared on the people once a week at the palace square.

In addition to the sultan, the other important officials were the priyayi which is the liaison between the king and the people. There are also warlords who hold Kusumadayu, as well as a lowly officer or Yudanegara. Other officials are Sasranegara, administration officials.

With such a system of government, Panembahan senopati continuing to strengthen the influence of Mataram in various fields until his death in 1601. he was succeeded by his son, Mas jolang or Penembahan Seda ing Krapyak (1601-1613).
Mas jolang role is not much interesting to note. Mas jolang died after he was replaced by Mas Stimulation (1613-1645). At the time of the triumph mearik pemerintahannyalah Mataram. Both in the expansion of territory, as well as religion and culture.

Jatmiko prince or king of Mataram Mas Stimulation Being the third. He got his name during the reign of the Great Hanyakrakusuma, Agung of Mataram Hanyakrakusuma managed to bring glory to the top of the central government in Yogyakarta.
Title of "sultan" is carried by Sultan Agung showed that he has the advantage of previous kings, namely Panembahan Senopati and Panembahan Seda Krapyak Ing. He was crowned king in 1613 at the age of about 20 years, with the title "Panembahan". In 1624, the title of "Panembahan" changed to "His Majesty" or "Sunan".
In 1641, the Supreme Hanyakrakusuma received recognition from the sultan of Mecca, and then took the title of Sultan Agung Hanyakrakusuma More Alaga Ngabdurrahman Senopati Ing.

Due to the ideals of Sultan Agung to govern the whole island of Java, Mataram kingdom was involved in a protracted battle with local authorities, as well as with the Company VOC targeting Java.

In 1614, the sovereign grand unifying kediri, Pasuruan, Lumajang, and the poor. In 1615, the army is more focused to the area Mataram Wirasaba, a very strategic place to deal with eastern Java. This region was conquered. in 1616, a battle between the army and the army surabaya Mataram, Pasuruan, Tuban, Jepara, Wirasaba, Arosbaya and Sumenep. This battle can be won by military Mataram, and is the key to victory for the future. In the same year Lasem surrender. In 1619, Tuban and Pasuruan be united. Furthermore Mataram dealing directly with the Surabaya. To deal with surabaya, Mataram pursuing a strategy of siege, the first storm the hinterlands like Sukadana (1622) and Madura (1624). Finally, Surabaya can be mastered in 1625.

With these conquests, the kingdom of Mataram became powerful militarily. In the year 1627, all except the island of Java and Banten sultanate's territory VOC in Batavia ttelah Company were united under the Mataram. The growing success of the great sultan the confidence to challenge the Company is still bercongkol in Batavia. Then, in 1628, Mataram prepare troops under the command of Tumengggung Baureksa and Hero-agul Agul Sura, to demolish batavia.

Unfortunately, due to strong Dutch defense, this attack failed, even tumengggung Baureksa fall. Failure causes the Matara excited develop more highly trained force, with a more mature preparations. So on to 1629, troops stormed the Sultan Agung back Batavia. This time, ageng Juminah ki, Ki Ageng Purbaya, Ageng Puger ki is the boss. The raid was launched against Hollandia fort, Bommel, and Weesp. However, this attack can be broken again, causing Mataram troops withdrawn that year. Furthermore, the attack is directed to Blambangan Mataram which can be integrated in the year 1639.

Beyond the political and military role, Sultan Agung known as the ruler of his attention to the development of Islam in Java land. He was a religious leader, so much gain sympathy from the clergy. Regularly, he went to the mosque, and the authorities are required to follow. To strengthen the religious atmosphere, the tradition of circumcision, shortening the hair for men, and wearing white headgear, expressed as the Shari'a to be obeyed.

For the Sultan Agung Islamic Mataram kingdom which is undertaking the Lord in the land of Java. Therefore, the structure and position kepenghuluan empire built in the power system. Tradition of power such as Friday prayers at the mosque, Grebeg Ramadan, and the Islamic Shari'a pengamanalan efforts are an integral part of the court order.

Sultan is also great as a poet berprediksi. His most famous book Letters gendhing fibers. As we Nitipraja fibers composed in 1641 AD Literature contains fiber gendhing neighbor noble character and inner and outer harmony. Nitipraja fibers contain moral regulations, so that society and country can be harmonized. Besides writing, Sultan Agung court also ordered the poet to write the history of the earth ox Chronicle.

Among all his works, the role of the great sultan brought a more far-reaching impact is in the calendar. Sultan grand tradition blends with the tradition of Javanese Islamic boarding school in the calculation of the year. Regular public schools use the Hijra year, the Javanese use Caka or saka year. In 1633, Sultan Agung successfully prepared and announced the enactment of a new accounting system for all of Mataram. The calculation was almost entirely tailored to the Hijra year, based on the calculation of the month. However, the initial calculation of Java this year remains the same as the saka year, which is 78 m. Unity is very important for the calculation of fiber chronicle writing. Changes in the calculation is a very important contribution to the development process of the Islamization of Java and cultural traditions that have occurred since the founding of the kingdom of Demak. Until now, the Sultan Agung style dating system is still widely used.

Since the period before the Sultan Agung non-military development has indeed been done. One worth mentioning, Panembahan Senopati perfect puppet form to order strikes. After the time senopati, mas jolang also instrumental in culture, the history of the country have tried to make Demak, as well as writing some KITAP mysticism. For example, Sulu Wujil (1607 M) which contains exhortations to the man of the king's Sunan bonang majapahit named Wujil. Prince also composed Fiber Karanggayam Nitisruti (1612 m) in the mas jolang.

Towards the end of his life. Sultan Agung implement regulations aimed at preventing the seizure of the throne, the crown prince and the royal family. Under the leadership of Sultan Agung of Mataram is not only a center of power, but also at the center of the spread of Islam.

Sultan Agung died in February 1646. He was buried at the top of the Mount Imogiri, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Furthermore, Mataram was ruled by his son, Sunan Tegalwangi, with a degree Amangkurat I (1646-1677). In the reign of Amangkurat I, Mataram kingdom began to retreat. Mataram territory-angusr gradually narrowed because of VOC captured by the Company. The most tragic, in the year 1675, Rade Trunajaya of Madura revolt. Thus unstoppable rebellion, to the extent Trunajaya overran the palace of Mataram in Plered teletak time. Ramanujan Amangkurat are displaced refugees, and eventually died in Tegal.

After the death Amangkurat I, II Amangkurat Mataram held by a decrease in Dynasty Paku Buwana Hamengku Buwana Solo and Yogyakarta. Amangkurat II asked for help to quell the rebellion Trunajaya VOC.
After Giyanti War (1755), the Mataram territory divided. Under the agreement Giyanti, Mataram split into two, namely Mataram and Mataram Yogyakarta sukrakarta. In 1757 and 1813, the split happened again with the emergence and Pakualaman Mangkunegara. In the reign of the Dutch East Indies, the fourth fraction is called the kingdom of Mataram Vorstenlanden.

Currently, the four fractions of the Sultanate of Mataram are still continuing their dynasty. Even the role and influence of the Mataram fractions, especially the sultanate of Yogyakarta is still quite large and recognized the community.

That article of religious history of Islam in the kingdom of Mataram, the above article may be useful for you, especially in adding insight into the history of Islam in Indonesia.

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